Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania


337 Fourth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Phone: (412) 261-0710 Email: Get Directions

Membership Application

pdf version


    Regular – Must possess a college degree in Engineering, Architecture or Science, or equivalent practical experience.

    Associate* – Individuals who have an interest in the Society but do not meet the technical requirements.

    Life – Members shall be persons who have retired from active business, are sixty years of age or older, and have been members of the Society for fifteen years or more.

    Retired – Persons who have retired from primary employment and are at least 55 years of age, but do not meet the tenure requirements of a Life Member.

    Dining – Dining members shall be limited to dining room privileges only. Dining members may be Professional or Associate.

    Student – Full time student or within 2 years of graduation at an accredited college, university or technical school.

    *Associate members have the same privileges as regular members, except that they cannot hold office or vote on Society matters.


    1. Any member residing within, or whose place of business is within Pennsylvania, shall be considered a Resident Member. Any member whose residence and place of business is outside Pennsylvania shall be considered as a Nonresident Member.

    2. The entrance fee (shown at bottom of form) is to be submitted with application.

    3. Annual Dues for membership in the Society are listed below and shall be billed upon membership acceptance.

  • Please list the industries that you work in (e.g., water/wastewater, geotechnical, etc).

  • This statement must embody a concise narrative of the applicant's professional career, specifying the positions he or she has held, giving names of employers, specifying the work in which he or she has been engaged and the applicant's responsibility in it.




    Dues are billed following acceptance of your application at the ESWP Board of Directors meeting (usually 4th Monday of the month).

  • $0.00