Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania


337 Fourth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Phone: (412) 261-0710 Email: Get Directions


The ESWP is chartered to advance the professions of engineering, architecture, and applied sciences through technical activities, public service participation and social organizations. It also supports the needs of industries, communities and government in Western Pennsylvania.



Advance the engineering profession and position Western Pennsylvania as a center for Engineering Excellence and Innovation


  • Seek and prepare the next-generation of engineers
  • Offer professional development and networking opportunities
  • Collaborate on engineering matters of regional and civic importance
  • Highlight achievements from a diverse spectrum of engineering and related fields


Strategic Initiatives

Promote ESWP and Position the Society for Success

  • Raise awareness and grow membership
  • Increase use of the Engineers’ Club
  • Develop and distribute exceptional publications

Provide World-Class Professional Development

  • Deploy exceptional conferences
  • Offer educational and networking events; highlighting innovative technologies and industry best practices
  • Provide professional outreach and services to Affiliated Technical Societies

Develop and Support Future Engineers

  • Mobilize and activate our young members
  • Collaborate with local universities
  • Promote and participate in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) activities


Diversity & Inclusion Statement

The Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania (ESWP) is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity and inclusion.

Our human capital is the most valuable asset we have. The collective sum of the individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, innovation, self-expression, unique capabilities and talent that our members invest represent a significant part of not only our culture, but our reputation and organization’s achievement as well.

We embrace and encourage our members’ differences and other characteristics that make our society members unique.

ESWP diversity initiatives are applicable—but not limited—to our practices and policies on recruitment and selection; professional development; social programs; and the ongoing development of the society environment built on the premise of gender and diversity equity that encourages and enforces:

  • Respectful communication and cooperation between all members.
  • Teamwork and member participation, permitting the representation of all groups and member perspectives.
  • Society and member contributions to the communities we serve to promote a greater understanding and respect for the diversity.

All ESWP members have responsibility and are expected to treat others with dignity and respect at all times and exhibit conduct that reflects inclusion whether attending society hosted events or otherwise.  Any member found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be subject to disciplinary action.



The Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania has provided a forum for the professional development and the facilities for the social interaction of its members for more than a century. The ESWP is chartered to advance the professions of engineering, architecture, and applied sciences through technical activities, public service participation and social organizations. It also supports the needs of industries, communities, and government in Western Pennsylvania.

Since its founding in 1880 ESWP has continually served as a focal point for the area’s engineering and technical community. At its inception, ESWP was created by a group of Pittsburgh’s entrepreneurs and businessmen to promote social, technical, and business interaction in Western Pennsylvania. This vision has continued through the years as ESWP has grown and adapted to the changing technical needs of the community.

The ESWP serves primarily as a catalyst to promote interaction throughout the technical community in Western Pennsylvania. Its more than 900 members and 30 associated technical societies reflect the richness of the full spectrum of engineering and applied science disciplines.