Thanks to Barry Kiing and the PWSA for hosting the ESWP tour of the Waterworks Water Treatment Plant in April. The “sold out” tour was a big success, with many great comments from the participants. We are looking forward to another date in the Fall.
PA Brownfields Conference Highlights
The 2024 Pennsylvania Brownfields Conference was held from March 25 to the 27th at the Penn Stater Conference Center in State College, PA.
With nearly 400 registrants in the conference, we started with the EPA Grant Writing workshop, followed by the CABIN Summit on Monday afternoon. Extras at the conference included a flyfishing expedition that received many very favorable comments. Monday evenings Welcome Reception was held at the Axemann Brewery and provided a great networking opportunity for the attendees after a four year hiatus from the previous conference. Tuesday and Wednesday were filled with multiple breakout sessions that were all very well attended – thanks to all of the presenters in the sessions for providing great content. In addition, there were several plenary sessions where speakers from EPA, and DEP, provided keynote comments. We also featured two lunchtime plenary sessions with book author Joel Burcat, and Matt Ward that were well attended, and well received! Thanks to our exhibitors and sponsors for making this a very successful Brownfield Conference! Presentations, where permitted, can be viewed on the Program page found here:
We hope to see you all again at a future PA Brownfields Conference!
ESWP Engineering Awards Banquet News
The 140th ESWP Annual Banquet was held on March 21 with more than 525 guests!
It was a fantastic night, recognizing many of the outstanding engineering projects in the region and individuals who contribute to them! We thank all who attended and again extend congratulations to all the Award Recipients. For a full list of the awards, please visit:
ESWP Webinar Recap
Another great ESWP Webinar today, this time from Friends of the Riverfront!
Katie and Kelsey delivered a fantastic presentation and are thankful to meet so many supporters! From Katie: “Thank you again for the opportunity to present to your group. It was fun to speak to a group who would really understand the nitty gritty of the trail development work we do. Please extend my appreciation to everyone for their time and questions/comments today! “

Happy World Engineering Day!
Here are two easy ways to celebrate:
- Post a message or photo to social media showing how engineers make the world a better place! #WorldEngineeringDay#WhatEngineersDo #WelcomeToTheFuture
- Recognize engineersyou know by taking a minute to say thank you or acknowledge them in person or on social.
Future City Competition
Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Regional Future City winning team, Ft. Couch Middle School for placing fifth in the national competition held during National Engineers week!
Congratulations on their success!
Future City National Finals
Future City National Finals
Join us live at at 2pm et to see which teams will win awards and $$ for their school STEM programs!
ESWP Annual Awards
Future City Competition
Despite the freezing cold temperatures on Saturday, January 20, 2024, the Pittsburgh Regional Future City Competition went off without a hitch!
Thanks to the efforts of our judges and volunteers we had a terrific day, filled with student model displays and presentations! During the morning session, our sponsoring judges were able to identify numerous Special Awards Winners while teams presented their models to the panels of Judges. Following lunch, schools were announced by team name upon arrival into the General Assembly, and each participant was presented with a Future City medal to acknowledge their participation. From there, the Special Awards winners, and the three Finalists were announced. Finalists then returned to present their model to our panel of Finalist Judges. After Judge scoring and deliberations, the Competition winners were announced!
- 1st Place Overall Winner: Fort Couch Middle School
- 2nd Place Overall Winner Ellis School
- 3rd Place Overall Winner: Marion Center Area Jr/Sr Hs
To view the winners of the special awards, please click here.
Thank you again to all of the participants and we hope to see you again for the 2024-2025 Future City Competition.
ESWP Elections!
The online election for the ESWP 2024 Board of Directors is now open through January 26. All voting members should have received access to cast their ballot. Please contact ESWP offices if you haven’t. Remember, vote early, but NOT often!