Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania


337 Fourth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Phone: (412) 261-0710 Email: Get Directions

ESWP President’s Reception!

What a great night!

The Engineers’ Club was packed with friends and guests at the Annual ESWP President’s Reception! 2025 ESWP President Cheryl Moon addressed the gathering to present her priorities and visions for ESWP this coming year! Guests enjoyed a delicious  buffet, great fellowship, and a good time was held by all!


Welcome to newly elected 2025 ESWP Board of Directors!

Joining the Board this year is Zach Merritt of Duquesne Light Company, Ivan Morales, of Nalco, Lori Rosetti, P.E., of AECOM, and Daniel C. Sharek, P.E. from ALCOSAN. Retiring from the Board is outgoing past President Tammi Halapin, and Directors Burcu Akinci and Kimberly Kennedy – we thank them for their longtime service to the ESWP. To view a full list of the ESWP Board, please visit

ESWP Scholarship News

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2024 ESWP Member’s Scholarship!

This year‘s recipients include Owen Chaffin,  a student member, and Sara Sawford! Congratulations to both of these recipients on their impressive student resumes with high academic achievement, and extracurricular activities! Both Owen and Sara received a $2500.00 award.

International Water Conference® News

ESWP’s 85th annual International Water Conference  was a huge success!

For our first visit to Las Vegas, Nevada, we had nearly 750 registrants at the 2024 IWC! Early reviews indicate a very well received and high-quality technical program with more than 70 presentations and peer review discussions. In addition, we offered 15 continuing education workshops with topics such as Reverse Osmosis, PFAS, Concentrate Management, and Industrial Water Reuse. In addition, the learning opportunities continued into a “sold out” Exhibit Hall with more than 90 displays for attendees to visit, network, and exchange ideas. We also featured our H2O Theater, where attendees could benefit from presentations in an informal setting. 2024 marked our first conference at the Planet Hollywood Resort in Las Vegas and we received many, many, positive comments about the venue, conference, layout, and overall experience! We are very grateful for all of those who support the IWC , most especially the members of our Executive Committee who detail the conference, and the Advisory Council who help shape the “big picture” thinking each year. In addition, we are very grateful for the Session Managers, speakers, discussers for presenting the conference program. They are truly the heartbeat of the conference! Also special, thanks to all of the staff members at Planet Hollywood for looking after all of our needs. We hope to see everyone at the 2025 IWC in Orlando, Florida.

ESWP Golf Outing

Rain Rain go away (it never did), come again another day! The ESWP Golf Outing was held on Monday, September 30 at Southpointe Golf Club in  a steady drizzle.  While the course was in terrific shape and held up well, it was a soggy day for the golfers, who played thru the rain to play all 18 holes. Thanks to all of our Sponsors, and Gift Baskets donors for making it a special day! Congratulations to our winners in golf and raffle prizes! And thanks to all of our golfers for sticking with their round of golf!