Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania


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Monday, November 4, 2024

Technical Sessions

M1: Cooling Water: Less Water, Better Chemistry

IWC Rep: Max Brefeld, Toyota Motor North America, Georgetown, KY
Session Chair: Horace Gordon, Bechtel Power Corporation, Reston, VA
Discussion Leader: Jillian Flanagan, P.Eng., Stantec, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Cooling water makes up a substantial amount of plant water use regardless of the industry and maintaining proper water chemistry is an important factor in ensuring equipment longevity and proper performance. This session explores two case studies on how cooling water was recovered to decrease overall plant water use. Additionally, the peracetic acid method of disinfection chemistry control with a novel method to monitor its effectiveness is discussed.

IWC 24-01: Southern California Data Center
Nasser AlSultan, Geosyntec Consultants, Costa Mesa, CA; Hamid Amini, Geosyntec Consultants, Costa Mesa, CA

Data centers incorporate onsite cooling towers to manage the heat emitted by their computer systems, and these cooling towers need makeup water to reduce concentrations in the process water. This presentation will evaluate the potential impacts of using various water sources and will address optimizing the recirculation cycle to (a) reduce the water footprint, (b) reduce short-term CAPEX and long-term OPEX costs, and (c) maximize the operational lifetime of the cooling tower system.

Discusser: Ryan Vargas, EAI Water, Livermore, CA

IWC 24-02: 95% Recovery treatment of Cooling Tower Blowdown in the automotive industry
Tal Fabian, IDE Water Technologies, Kadima, Israel; Alex Drak, IDE Water Technologies, Kadima, Israel; Roi Zaken, IDE Water Technologies, Kadima, Israel

An innovative membrane technology was developed to efficiently treat cooling tower blowdown and reuse it as makeup water in industrial facilities. The technology combines Reverse Osmosis (RO) with salt precipitation in a Fluidized Bed Reactor (FBR), enabling recovery rates of up to 98%. A case study of a 775 m3/day commercial unit in the automotive industry, designed to achieve >95% recovery, demonstrated substantial OPEX reduction and progress towards zero liquid discharge.

Discusser: Victoria Oveson, DuPont Water Solutions, Edina, MN

IWC 24-03: Monitoring and Control of Peracetic Acid in Cooling Water Disinfection Applications
Vadim Malkov, Hach, Loveland, CO; Scott Tucker, Hach, Loveland, CO

Peracetic acid is a novel disinfection agent used across many water treatment applications. Its benefits include high oxidative power and no DBP formation; however, its discharge is regulated. PAA is more expensive and should be monitored and controlled to optimize cost and for NPDES compliance. Successful implementation of PAA monitoring in cooling water is discussed. Cooling water may represent other matrices; therefore, the discussed practices can be expanded to optimize PAA usage in other applications.

Discusser: Patrick Regan, Solenis, Wayne, PA

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M2: Going All in on Ion Exchange

IWC Rep: John Korpiel, P.E., Veolia WT, Wexford, PA
Session Chair: Rebecca Osteen, Southern Company, Birmingham, AL
Discussion Leader: Stephen Wheeler, ResinTech, Inc., Camden, NJ

Join us for an exciting technical discussion on the applications of ion exchange to address water treatment challenges and to recover valuable resources. We will explore the use of ion exchange for cost-effective treatment of PFAS as well as for enhancing the circular economy through the resource recovery of valuable metals. Whether you have years of experience with ion exchange or are new to the game, this session offers a valuable opportunity to deepen your technical expertise, ask questions, and be part of an engaging and dynamic conversation.

IWC 24-04: RSSCT & RO/NF Testing on Treatment of PFAS Contaminated Groundwater & Implications to Full-Scale System Design
Elaine Towe, P.Eng., Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions, Oakville, ON, Canada; Sergiy Popov, Ph.D., Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions, Ashland, VA; Chris Scott, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions, Trevose, PA

PFAS Regulations continue to evolve as increasingly comprehensive and restrictive, making the treatment challenge more demanding.

This paper summarizes a series of bench-scale testing performed on PFAS contaminated groundwater. This includes Rapid Scale Small Column Testing (RSSCT) and high-pressure membranes. It also includes a second RSSCT on RO concentrated groundwater. Results from Granular activated carbon (GAC), ion exchange (IX), novel adsorbents, reverse osmosis (RO), and nanofiltration (NF) membranes are shared with implications to full-scale design.

Discusser: Tal Fabian, IDE Technologies, Kadima, Israel

IWC 24-05: Urban Mining: the Application of Exchange Resins
Johanna van Deventer, Ecolab, Johannesburg, Gauteng South Africa; Don Downey, Ecolab, Paris, ON, Canada

Urban mining is defined as the process of recovering and re-using the waste produced by a city. Metals recovered from electronics and electric vehicle batteries will form a critical raw material in future production.
The superior selectivity of ion exchange resins ensure that they form a critical part of any hydrometallurgical processing route to produce high-purity metal products from recycled components.

Discusser: Zhendong Liu, LANXESS Corporation, Birmingham, NJ

IWC 24-06: Reducing the Life Cycle Costs of PFAS Water Treatment Through the Regeneration of Ion Exchange Resins
Steven Becker, SciDev Ltd, Houston, TX

The capital costs of GAC and IX resin treatment systems can be comparable, while the higher PFAS sorption capacity, smaller volumes of media required, and reduced waste stream volumes generally result in lower long-term operational costs for IX resin systems. Regenerating IX resins can further reduce the long-term operational costs. We present two case studies from Australia and a comparative life cycle cost analysis performed on a planned treatment system in the southwestern U.S.

Discusser: Kevin Dufresne, P.Eng., Geosyntec Consultants, Guelph, ON, Canada

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M3: Power Wastewater Management in (Still) Changing Times

IWC Rep: Dennis McBride, Burns & McDonnell, Kansas City, MO
Session Chair: Krystal Perez, Brown and Caldwell, Seattle, WA
Discussion Leader: Rangesh Srinivasan, TetraTech, Cincinnati, OH

The power industry continues to be met with change. The most recent change is the newly finalized Steam-Electric Power Effluent Limitation Guidelines, which will require zero liquid discharge of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater, bottom ash transport water and combustion residual leachate for power plants that burn coal past 2034. Those plants that choose to instead retire or convert to another fuel will still be met with challenges. This session will dig into the details and share important insights in the management and treatment of power plant wastewaters that can support plants during these times of change. We’ll hear about important considerations and trade-offs in management of flue gas desulfurization scrubber wastewater on biological treatment. Next, we’ll learn about challenges related to selenium speciation and removal and how to optimize treatment. Finally, we’ll dive into the details of managing power plant wastewater as plants work through converting from coal to natural gas fuel.

IWC 24-07: FGD Forced Oxidation Air System Operational Impacts On Biological Wastewater Selenium Removal Systems
Adam Raker, Louisville Gas and Electric, Lagrange, KY

Root cause investigation of complete loss of FGDWW bioreactor biomass discovered the presence of strong oxidizers formed in the forced oxidation WFGD. The theorized mechanisms leading to oxidant formation, the mechanical and operational circumstances that lead to their formation, and mitigating strategies are the subject of this paper.

Discusser: Kenneth Chen, P.E., Brown and Caldwell, Las Vegas, NV

IWC 24-08: Selenium Removal with Ferric and Ferrous Iron in Physical-Chemical and Oxidation Reactions
Ashley Jones, Stantec, Nashville, TN; Mayra Giraldo, Stantec, Atlanta, GA; Adam Sutherland, P.E., Stantec, Nashville, TN; Bill Kennedy, Stantec, Charlotte, NC

Wastewaters containing complex species of selenium, such as reduced forms, face treatment challenges with established technologies. Removal of reduced forms of selenium will increase subsequent treatability of wastewater and overall removal of selenium. Jar tests were used to explore removal of reduced selenium species using ferric and ferrous iron within the iron oxyhydroxide process and Fenton’s reaction. This paper compares the efficacies of reduced selenium removal for each reaction method and form of iron.

Discusser: Lisha Wu, Ph.D., HDR, Rosemont, IL

IWC 24-09: Water Challenges with Power Plant Conversion from Coal to Gas
Kristen Jenkins, P.E., Kiewit, Lenexa, KS; Allison Osborne, Brown and Caldwell, Houston, TX; Kelly Moody, Brown and Caldwell, Atlanta, GA

The transition of coal plant closure or conversion to natural gas is challenging from both a water permitting and water management perspective. Regulations limit FGD and bottom ash discharges requiring no discharge or discharge with very strict limits. With the cessation of coal, the use of heat to evaporate water is lost, requiring alternative measures. This presentation will cover lessons learned from evaluating disposal of coal fired power plant wastewater following conversion or closure.

Discusser: Derek Henderson, Duke Energy, Raleigh, NC

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M4: Water Treatment Project Delivery: Create a Gameplan for Success

IWC Rep: Jonathan Shimko, Michael Baker International, Pittsburgh, PA
Session Chair: Nicole Stafford, McKim & Creed, Sewickley, PA
Discussion Leader: Sam Fackrell, Bowen, Glen Burnie, MD

Efficient project delivery is key to making great engineering design projects come to life. This session will discuss the challenges and successes during the construction of water treatment plant upgrades at a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility, the accelerated delivery of a corrosion inhibitor program for a large water utility, and the importance of developing a trusting relationship between OEMs and prospective buyers for effective procurement and installation of equipment in the water/wastewater world.

IWC 24-10: Production expansion and changing discharge limits at Grifols Therapeutics, North Carolina, USA calls for wastewater treatment plant upgrades
Aleah Henry, Veolia Water & Technologies Solutions, Oakville, ON, Canada; David Auge, Grifols Therapeutics, NC; Brian Arntsen, Veolia Water & Technologies Solutions, Oakville, ON, Canada; Ryan Johnston, Veolia Water & Technologies, Solutions, NJ

Grifols Therapeutics’ biopharmaceutical production facility sends wastewater to an on-site treatment plant. Production expansion triggered a new discharge permit which imposes significantly more stringent limits. Required plant upgrades included screening, refurbishing existing MBBRs, an MBR (anoxic and aerobic reactors followed by hollow fiber UF membranes), sludge handling and nutrient dosing. This paper will present information on the design of treatment process upgrades, overcoming commissioning challenges, start-up and performance of over a year of successful operation.

Discusser: Linea Miller, E.I.T., WSP, Cambridge, ON, Canada

IWC 24-11: Time and Money Saved with Collaborative Fast-Track Delivery on a Regulatory Driven Utility Scale New Corrosion Inhibitor Program
Michael J. Soller, P.E., DBIA, Bowen Engineering, Indianapolis, IN; Breann Cooper, Citizens Energy Group, Indianapolis, IN; Bruce Cooley, P.E., BCEE, Citizens Energy Group, Indianapolis, IN; Rebecca Slabaugh, P.E., Arcadis, Indianapolis, IN; Kevin Canida, Bowen Engineering, Indianapolis, IN

Water systems need assured corrosion protection to avoid leaching lead and copper into the water supply. A large metropolitan water utility implemented a fast-track corrosion inhibitor construction program to achieve regulatory compliance. The owner describes the system and why they used collaborative project delivery. The engineer describes the evaluated alternative chemicals and interpreted pilot testing results. The contractor describes the best practices used to develop three projects simultaneously achieve on-time and under budget results.

Discusser: Samantha Sheehan, McKim & Creed, Sewickley, PA

IWC 24-12: Getting the Most from Engaging Your Water Treatment OEM
Jay Harwood, Newterra, Scotland, Ontario, Canada; Anthony Amendola, P.Eng., Newterra, Brockville, Ontario, Canada

Engaging water and wastewater equipment providers for estimates and proposals presents significant challenges. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) operate with business models that necessitate careful management of resources and risk which limits the time and effort they can spend supporting potential customers. Achieving the balance between information and resources requires a nuanced understanding of the motivations and constraints on both sides. This paper offers practical strategies for engagements with OEMs.

Discusser: Harley Schreiber, WesTech Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT

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