Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania


337 Fourth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Phone: (412) 261-0710 Email: Get Directions

ESWP Golf Outing

What a great day on the golf course! The ESWP Annual Golf Outing was held on July 24 at the Quicksilver Golf Club. We had a group on every hole to fill the course! The weather was great, the refreshments were great, the food was great, and the fellowship was great! Thanks for many sponsors who helped make the event extra special!Ā CongratulationsĀ to the 1stĀ PlaceĀ team winner from Michael Baker International. Michael Baker International also gets “bragging rights” for the gift basket gathering the most raffle tickets! Thanks to all our participants and sponsorsĀ for making it a big success!

Congratulations to… Kimberly Kennedy, P.E., ALCOSAN

Congratulations to Kimberly Kennedy, P.E. for receiving the 2021 Civil Engineer of the Year Award as presented by the Pittsburgh Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

The award was presented at the National Engineers Week banquet held at the Engineerā€™s Society of Western Pennsylvania (ESWP) on Saturday, February 19. Kim is the Director of Engineering & Construction at ALCOSAN, and a member of the ESWP Board of Directors, chairing the Publications Committee!Ā  Congratulations Kim!

Congratulations to… PGH Engineer Magazine

Thank you to the Pittsburgh Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for recognizing the Pittsburgh ENGINEER magazine with their Journalism Award for 2021.

This award was presented at the National Engineers Week banquet held at ESWP on Saturday, February 19, in recognition of the focus and highlighting of civil engineering contributions as featured in the magazine. Click here to read the 2021 issues on our website. Thank you ASCE!

SAME PGH Post Scholarship Opportunity

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Pittsburgh Post Announces Allegheny Arsenal Memorial Scholarship for 2021/2022 Academic Year

The SAME Pittsburgh Post created the Allegheny Arsenal Memorial Scholarship last year when SAME and the Pittsburgh Post both reached the 100-Year milestone. With a vision for the next 100 years, the Post expanded its Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) support long provided to primary and secondary education students, to include college students pursuing a STEM related degree.

The Pittsburgh Post has always recognized the importance of strategic collaboration between civilians and the military, both for national defense and homeland security. Therefore, in establishing the Postā€™s college scholarship fund, the Post wanted to honor those civilians who perished in Lawrenceville at the Allegheny Arsenal while preparing ammunition for the Union troops. On September 17, 1862, a series of explosions at the Allegheny Arsenal killed seventy-eight people, mostly girls (some believed to be as young as 14), rolling cartridges for Union soldiers. With men off fighting the Civil War and concerns of horseplay among boys in a dangerous work environment, girls and young women were relied upon to roll ammunition for the troops in a true civilian-military partnership. In recognition of the tragic loss of these young arsenal employees, the SAME Pittsburgh Post, as part of its centennial observance, established the Allegheny Arsenal Memorial Scholarship Fund.

The Post is offering a scholarship to assist college students who are pursuing careers in STEM fields including: engineering, architecture, mathematics, technology, computer, or related science (chemistry, biology, physics, environmental) degree programs. A $1,500 scholarship will be awarded each year (subject to future Board revisions), based on applications received for the academic year. Students enrolled full-time as a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior in college for academic year 2021-2022 can apply. Anyone receiving the Allegheny Arsenal Memorial Scholarship may reapply in subsequent years but will be considered among the full pool of applications received for that academic year.

Full details and the application form are available on the Postā€™s website at

Applications will be received from August 18, 2021 through midnight, September 7, 2021 via email at:

PSPE Pittsburgh Chapter News

The Pittsburgh Chapter of PSPE offers review course twice yearly for the PE and EIT exams. Start dates are fast approaching!

The Civil PE exam review course, beginning on August 12, helps exam applicants prepare for the Civil PE exam. The topics are taught by professional engineers who have both industry and teaching experience. TheĀ review course consists of 30 hours of lectures covering the common topics of both the breadth andĀ depth Civil PE exam. The topics include: structures, construction management, geotechnical, highwayĀ design and traffic analysis, environmental, and water resources

The EIT Review Course, beginning on August 12 is for all disciplines, and helps engineers prepare for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam. The review course consists of 30 hours of lectures covering common exam topics.

In addition, the Chapter also offers a Civil PE Mini-Refresher course, beginning on July 22. To be better prepared for the Civil PE Review Course, the Pittsburgh Chapter offers a three (3) session Mini Prep Review Course which includes six (6) subjects prior to taking the PE Review.Ā  This mini course is primarily for engineers who have already passed the EIT Exam, but feel a need to brush up on some subjects that are of importance for the Civil PE Review Course or for those who plan on taking the Mechanical PE Exam. This mini course is being offered because we have found that many engineers have not used certain basic skills for some period of time and need a brief review to allow them to take full advantage of the material presented in the Civil PE Exam Review Course.Ā  Our goal is to give all students the best opportunity to be successful on the PE Exam. These sessions will review selected topics in mathematics, statics, strength of materials, physics, electrochemistry and engineering ethics.

Please contact the Chapter office or our education director, Steven Musial, P.E. if you have any questions. Cell: 412-956-6448

To REGISTER or to learn more about costs, location, and format of these courses, visit:

ASCE Pittsburghā€™s Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute Chapter has Launched!

APRIL 2021

“Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success.”Ā – Henry Ford

Hello UESI Members and Friends,

I am happy to announce that the Pittsburgh Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute (UESI) Chapter has officially launched! And what a time to start this endeavor! I am Alma Rettinger and I will be serving as the UESI Pittsburgh Chair in the upcoming year.

We are starting our Chapter at a time when infrastructure initiatives are in the spotlight with last weekā€™s release of President Bidenā€™s proposed national infrastructure spending bill. ASCE Pennsylvania is also gearing up to grade the condition and performance of the Commonwealthā€™s infrastructure this year, which received aĀ C- grade in 2018 due to the poor conditions of aging drinking water mainlines, deteriorating bridges and roadways, and the severe conditions of the sewer and wastewater systems. The discussion ofĀ how to improveĀ our infrastructureĀ remains not just relevant but important. So thisĀ is an opportune time for our Chapter to focus not only on the current condition of our infrastructure, but also to highlight the transformation in the way our industry has beenĀ addressing infrastructure projects with innovation, and with improved risk and asset management tools.

Members across different organizations and professions have been adapting over the years to deal with the urgency of replacing aging infrastructure, responding to damages from natural disasters, and doing so with limited funding. As a whole, we are working towards improving the way we deliver projects, building towards resilience, and ultimately putting funding to better use.

ASCEā€™sĀ Civil EngineeringĀ magazine Editor in Chief Laurie Shuster said last year that ā€œthe future is going to be increasingly integrated, with one field informing and influencing another.ā€ And I believe that these coordinated efforts among multiple disciplines will continue to be a critical aspect of UESI and for the successful planning, positioning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and management of utility infrastructure. With the goal of working together with the diverse group UESI represents and with our founding officers, Vice Chair Kate McKinley, PLS, and Secretary-Treasurer Ashwin Ranna, EIT, I am thrilled to be bringing UESIā€™s mission to our region!

In the short-term, we have already gained positive momentum. During the recent months, we have been planning our upcoming kick-off event scheduled for May 13, 2021. We are partnering with NUCA-PA and several co-sponsoring organizations to deliver a virtual symposium on ā€œLeading the Way to Smarter Utility Engineering Design & Construction Damage Preventionā€.Ā This event will bring together stakeholders to discuss Utility Conflict Management, subsurface utility engineering in accordance with ASCE 38, and the future and direction of the industry.Ā We invite you toĀ Join UsĀ at our upcoming event and be part of the discussion.

We hope to continue the momentum throughout our future Chapter activities! I encourage you to join the Pittsburgh Section (if you are not a current member), follow us onĀ LinkedIn,Ā and check for updates on ourĀ website. We will use these platforms to inform our members of upcoming events, activities, and relevant news.Ā I also invite you to share your unique perspective on the industry as we plan for the future of our Chapter.

Whether virtual or in-person, I look forward to seeing you soon! And when we can gather again, we hope we get a chance to meet you all and say hello.

Happy spring and letā€™s enjoy this fresh outlook!