ESWP YMF Hosts Annual Social that Benefits Local Charity
ESWP hosted their 3rd Annual YMF Summer Social at the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania on September 7, 2018. The event was co-hosted by ASCE, ASHE, Tau Beta Pi, SAME, and WTS Pittsburgh Sections. This year the event brought together a record attendance of more than 60 young engineers in the Greater Pittsburgh area. The goal of this event is to seek and prepare the next generation of engineers by highlighting the diverse spectrum of engineering and related technical societies. Each co-host contributed a gift basket to raffle off and had a chance to inform attendees of their professional organization.
New this year, ESWP implemented a 50/50 raffle, that the proceeds benefited the Red Door Program at Saint Mary of Mercy Church. St. Mary of Mercy Church, which is in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh, provides several kinds of assistance to people in need. The “oldest” of St. Mary’s services is the Red Door Program which began during the Great Depression. This program provides a bag lunch, Monday through Saturday to more than 100 persons each day. The program is underwritten by St. Mary of Mercy Church through various contributions made directly to the Red Door. After the conclusion of this event, ESWP donated a total of $80 to the Red Door Program. ESWP plans on implementing this event again in 2019 in hopes to exceed their contribution to a charitable organization.
As you can see our Young Member Forum is gaining momentum by offering the YMF Summer Social and other quality programs designed specifically with the young engineer in mind. If you are not already a ‘young member’ ESWP offers an Under-35 dues rate of $25 annually, with a limited time offer of NO entrance fee (a $55 savings!) Now is the time to add ESWP to your professional network and expand your horizons. Click here: