2020 ESWP Election Results
The election for the 2020 ESWP Board of Directors has officially closed on December 31,
and We are pleased to announce the following results:
For Officers:
President: David W. Borneman, P.E.
1st Vice-President: Tammi A. Halapin, P.E.
2nd Vice-President: James R. McMaster, PMP
Secretary: Cheryl Moon-Sirianni, P.E.
For Directors:
Christopher Hill
Wayne Johnson, P.E.
Patrick Leach, P.E.
Greg O’Hare, P.E.
Suresh Ramanathan
George Robinson II
Thomas Woodrow, P.E., BCEE
Congratulations to all of the newly elected Board Members!
To view the complete list of the 2020 Engineers’ Society Board of Directors please click here